Friday, August 26, 2016

Post 9

The 5th Installation Ceremony

Every second brings
            a fresh beginning
Every hour holds
            a new promise
Every night our dreams
            can bring hope
Every day is what you
            choose to make it

“Team Work Makes The Dream Work”
The 5th Installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo was successfully held on the 14th of August 2015 at the Royal College Union Skills Centre. The incoming President Rtr. Praveen Randev Fernando and his board were officially handed over the responsibilities of the club for the year 2015/2016.
Making the theme of the club a reality, “Team Work” indeed helped in successfully completing the 1st Club Service project for the year. The hard work and the dedication of the Club Service Director, Rtr. Maringa Lankaprasada should be highly appreciated in this regard.
Each and every member of the club and the project committee contributed in their fullest potential to make this event a success. Since the first general meeting for the new year on the 16th of July 2015, preparations were made to organize the Installation Ceremony. In all the subsequent meetings, the members were updated on the progress and necessary actions were taken by the project Chairperson, Rtr. Mirangi Lankaprasada.
Apart from the contribution of the project committee, we also highly appreciate the commitment of the members who were in charge of the decorations, Rtr. Ruvini Nawangi and her team, for making the event glamorous and also our very talented comperes for the event, Rtr. Ranithri  Samarawickrama , Rtr. Dishan Leo and Rtr. Ruvini Perera.
The 5th Installation Ceremony commenced at 6.30p.m., on the arrival of the Chief Guest and the Dignitaries. The invitees were warmly welcomed by the project chairperson, Rtr. Mirangi Lankaprasada.
The outgoing Secretary of the club Rtr. Anjali Alahakoon, spoke about the successfully ended year 2014/2015, in presenting her report. She was happy to mention that the club was able to undertake different projects which served different communities of the country. Projects like “Happy Street Pooch” and “Future for Us “could make an impact to the society. She further mentioned that the club was able to win several awards and citations at the District Assembly and a few of the club members were awarded as Active Rotaractors.

The Outgoing President of the club Rtr. Romanthi Anandappa addressed the gathering and shared her experiences on completing her term. She spoke about three projects which were highlighted:
·         “Future for Us”
·         “Make a Wish”
·         “Happy Street Pooch”
The outgoing president also spoke about “I Genius” which is also one of the signature projects of the club.
As RC of FMF we are grateful to our Outgoing President for bringing up the club to this level and we highly appreciate her dedication, commitment and hard work for the club.
The Incoming President Rtr. Praveen Randev Fernando was happy to speak about the position of the club, even having completed only one month of the New Year. He spoke about the club being able to launch the first blog for the year and also the articles of club members being recognized in the global level. The President also emphasized on the importance of focusing on projects inside and outside the university and embarking on a journey ensuring active participation. He introduced his “dynamic” board for the year 2015/2016, giving an introduction about each board member.
The Board of Directors for the Year 2015/2016”
·          Immediate Past Presidet - Rtr. Romanthi Anandappa
·          President - Rtr. Praveen Randev Fernando
·          Vice President - Rtr. Ruvindi De Silva
·          Vice President – Rtr. Shalini Wijewardana
·         Secretary – Rtr. Nilukshi Jayawardana
·         Assistant Secretary – Rtr. Indunil Ittapana
·         Treasurer – Rtr. Supun Walpola
·         Sergeant-at-arms – Rtr. Ushan Gunathilaka
·         Editor- Rtr. Ruzni Faik
·         Sub-editor – Rtr. Bhashini Gamage
·         Joint Community Service Directors – Rtr. Hiruni Perera
                                                                  Rtr. Aqeela Najeeb
·         Club Service Director _ Rtr. Mirangi Lankaprasada
·         Assistant Club Service Director – Rtr. Jude Fonseka
·         Director- International Understanding – Rtr. Madhumali Kodikara
·         Assistant Director- International Understanding – Rtr. Umanga Kariyawasam
·         Joint Finance Directors – Rtr. Thilini Leeniyagolla
                                             Rtr. Nawangi Pohiliyadda

·         Director  - Professional Development – Rtr. Dinath Federico
·         Assistant Director – Pofessional Development – Rtr. Bimla Kannangara
·         Joint Green Life Directors – Rtr. Chathura Kularathna
                                                 Rtr. Kasun Mullegamgoda

·         IT and PR Directors – Rtr. Radun De Silva
                                       Rtr. Kalana Madusanka
The Guest of Honor of the event Rtn. PPH. Saif Ramzi thanked the outgoing president, Rtr. Romanthi Anandappa for undertaking successful projects. He also emphasized on the importance of identifying the true potential of everyone. He further mentioned that life is a journey with ups and downs and it is very important to identify your challenges in life. As Rotaractors he asked everyone to have a different perspective about life and explore the world, society around you and reach the ones in need. He asked to make Rotaract a gift to your parents and to the world.
For the first time in the history, RC of FMF could invite the Dean of the Faculty Dr. R. Senathiraja, as the Chief Guest of the Installation Ceremony.  She was happy to see the talents and the potential of the undergraduates in the faculty, and spoke how the members could further improve their leadership skills, personality and work for the betterment of the society, while being a part of Rotaract.
The DRR Rtr. Sathiyendra…… spoke about FMF as a place which has produced successful citizens in the country. He thanked the outgoing president for the contribution she has made for the club and also for making Sri Lanka proud by becoming the first Miss. Rotasia from Sri Lanka. The DRR highly appreciated her talents in winning the title and it was a proud moment for all the members of FMF.
He also spoke about the high potential of the incoming president Rtr. Praveen Fernando in taking the club to greater heights, having won the best Rylarian in the last year. He also spoke about “Rotaract” and how you could use it to change your lives.
The DRCC, Rtn. Saifu Adamaly reminded all Rotaractors that their main role is to complete their  education. Rotaractors are young and upcoming leaders, and the future of the country rests in their hands. He also said that “Everyone has a leader in you” and Rotaract will help you in achieving your targets. He also mentioned that he wishes to see a Miss. / Mr. Rotasia from FMF this year too.
The Youth Committee Chair Rtn. Farzana Khan emphasized on the importance of focusing on the area of Professional Development by Rotaractors. Being a Rotaractor gives you an added advantage in your professions due to the experience you get. She also spoke how gender balance is a challenge in today’s workplace and the importance of focusing on that.
The club distributed certificates and tokens of appreciation to: 
·         Rtr. Anjali Alahakoon (Outgoing Secretary)
·         Rtr. Minosh Dewapura (Outgoing Vice President)
·         Rtr. Reshani Dissanayake (Outgoing Director – International Understanding)
·         Dr. Arosha Adikaram (Faculty Advisor)
·         Rtr. Romanthi Anandappa (Outgoing President)
·         Rtr. Nipun Alwis (Past Member)
·         Rtr. Shehan Xavier (Past member)
·         Mr. Hashan Gunasekara
The Incoming President Rtr. Nilukshi Jayawardana made it an opportunity to thank everyone who helped in making the event a success. She specifically thanked the Chief Guests and the other dignitaries and also the Faculty Advisor Dr. Arosha Adikaram for being with us and supporting in everything we do as a club. The Club will not be able to come to this position if not for her guidance and support. She also thanked all the past presidents and members of the club, the Sponsors for the event and also all the invitees who were present in the occasion. She was thankful to the fellow Rotaractors who attended the event representing the other Rotaract clubs.

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