Friday, August 26, 2016

Post 8

Installation ceremony of Rotaract Club of Ibbagamuwa
The 3rd installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Ibbagamuwa was held in style at the Karakaara reception hall, Kurunegala on the 8th of August 2015.
This installation attracted a record number of over 60 invited members from other clubs from Colombo itself. Rtr. Lakmal De Mel, the outgoing president had several quality projects raising the bar in the community of their very own region. Rtr. Nemini Wanigasekara the incoming President emphasized that “The club has grown from strength to strength”. This was well evident with the installation been graced by over 15 Rotarians, 80 Rotaractors, 15 interactors and the spotlight being attracting Rotaractors from France.
The Newly appointed Board of Directors of the Club:
·         Immediate Past President – Rtr. Lakmal De Mel
·         President – Rtr. Nemini Wanigasekara
·         Vice President and Finance Director – Rtr. Ruchira Tennakoon
·         Secretary – Rtr. Neeradhi Wanigasekara
·         Treasurer – Rtr. PP. Lakmal De Mel
·         Club Service and Public Relations Director – Rtr. Sathira Wanigasekara
·         Community Service Director – Rtr. Vidumini Wanigasekara
·         Professional Development Director – Rtr. Bathira Wanigasekara
·         International Understanding Director and Editor – Rtr. PP. Jude Hatan Arachchi
·         Sergeant at Arms – Rtr. Devmin Deshan

As we all know the Wanigasekara family leads the Kurunegala region from Interact to Rotaract to Rotary. Best of luck for a wonderful Rotary filled life ahead of all of you.
The evening ended with a fun filled after party which engaged everyone to enjoy together as one Rotaract family.
We are thankful to the Rotaract District for making all arrangements from food to travelling for all participants from Colombo. The entertainment sessions from singing to storytelling to the continuous bugging sessions are unforgettable to all of us. 
The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management & Finance wishes all the best to the Incoming President of the Rotaract Club of Ibbagamuwa and her board for a successful year ahead.

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