Friday, August 26, 2016

Post 2

“Seek victory in foresight” – one of the best BATMAN quotes that I closely follow. This was exactly what we followed when we started the Rotaract year 2015/16. When we Exco members met for the first time our sole objective was to make RC UOC FMF the Best Rotaract Club in the District. Within a span of 11 months we achieved that dream! The dream achieved via team work! As our theme for the year clearly demonstrated it – “Team work makes the dream work”
I pen this message as the Editor of the club with having contributed a fair share for the success story of our club. In fact I can speak for the rest of the Directors and say that they would feel the same. Each and every Director of our club took up the responsibility of ensuring that their respective avenue performs well and to make their respective projects to stand out in the Rotaract District. In such an attempt we ended up successfully completing 35 projects.
My appointment as the Editor coincides with the introduction of the Blog by the Rotaract District. This itself was a challenge as the concept of blogging is not a household concept in Sri Lanka and thus could inhibit the scope of the blog. But we saw this as an opening and grabbed hold of the opportunity of initiating the club blog and ensuring to make it a success.
My sub-editor Rtr. Bhashini Gamage and I took up the challenge of making the FMF blog the best in the District. In doing so we decided to broaden the scope of the blog where we decided to cover not only the activities of our club but also of the entire District. Eventually we created a platform where anyone could log into our blog and get the latest updates in the District. Within the span of 11 months we ended up publishing 100 blog posts with a view count closing in at 15,000.
Similar to the blog every other avenue of our club tasted mammoth success where everything we touch turns to gold. In fact we were so blessed that me along with 3 other members of the Exco bumped into the Rotary International President Rtn. K.R. Ravindran in the streets of Chicago and ended up earning a tour to the RI Head Quarters, which definitely was a dream come true for us! This definitely was the most memorable moment in Rotaract!
My gratitude goes out to all the club members for providing their fullest support for the blog. Last but not least I would like to thank my President and best friend Rtr. Praveen Fernando for entrusting me with the blog as its Editor. He set a high standard for the club and settles for nothing other than the best, which ended up bringing the best in each of us.
I’m partly sad that my days of publishing blog posts for the club are over. But I’m also equally confident that the upcoming Editors Rtr. Dilini Perera and Rtr. Isuri Alahakoon will do a good job with the blog and bring it more success that what it had already achieved.
I wish President-elect Rtr. Hiruni Perera and her Board all the best for the Rotaract year 2016/17.
Viva La Rotaract!

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