Friday, August 26, 2016

Post 1

Annexure VII – IT Services by our Club
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This year RC UOC FMF was in the forefront in the use of Information Technology and Social Media. The FMF Blog was launched during the year and went on to become the most successful blog in the District within the first few months since launch. The Blog itself is very comprehensive and includes various tools and widgets which provides useful options to the members and visitors, such tools are-
·         FMF Calendar – the blog homepage includes a calendar which provides a list of each and every upcoming events of the club. This includes General/Board Meeting dates along with the time, venue and other details. Also includes schedules with details of internal and external club events as well as District events. Further this calendar can be extracted to the mobile phone calendar and thus any updates to the FMF Calendar will immediately be synced to the calendar on our mobile.
·         Official FB page – a preview of our official Facebook page is displayed on the blog where the visitors will be able to Like our page and view the recent posts.
·         Live Tweets – the blog features a live tweet widget which reflects the recent tweets made via our official twitter handle.
·         Instagram posts – the blog features the latest posts made on our Instagram page and such images are previewed on the homepage of the blog.
·         Project Banners – the blog is used effectively to promote upcoming events of our club. Posters of upcoming projects are put up on the blog as banners and views can learn more of each project by clicking on the banner, which will direct to the FB page of the project.
·         Authors’ SM profile – the blog articles not only mentions the contributors of the article but also provides a Social Media profile of each author where the viewer can connect with them by a simple click on their respective social media button, such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn and Youtube.
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Famous Rotarians – A campaign on famous Rotarians was circulated on all forms of social media in the form of a weekly update

  • When the power goes out campaign An IT campaign launched in March, 2016
·         Google group to communicate internally
·         Creating an Facebook event page for every event

Online Database registration for new members

The Blog, PR and IT avenues of the club were formed as a team to provide the overall IT services of the club. Thus each blog post was immediately shared on each of our official Social Media pages, namely, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and Youtube. Efforts were also made to tag important individuals as well as organizations, based on the relevance to them of each post. Thereby our club has maintained very active presence on all social media platforms and is one of the few clubs in the District to do so.
The club has effectively used online tools continuously to obtain various forms of information. Each new club member is required to fill an online form and such information is retrieved and stored in a meaningful and comprehensive manner. Further forms were also built based on the requirements of each project. To encourage the active participation of the members in our various projects each member was provided an online form and was asked to indicate their preference to be involved in the organizing committee of different projects. Thus through this we were able to provide the autonomy for each member as to which project they would be involved in.
The IT team of the club also worked in developing Email Signatures for each club Director such that they would carry the club information as well as their contact details. All Directors were guided on applying the email signatures to their mail services and had used them effectively in communication.
 The IT team was also continuously involved in making videos (which can be viewed on our Youtube page), posters and developing of websites and applications for the use of members and outsiders. Further the PR team has never missed out on posting Birthday wishes on our official pages to wish each member on their birthday. Further club achievements and important news were immediately posted in order to keep the members up to date.
The IT team worked on creating an email based group including all are members to ensure the club Secretary and other Directors were able to quickly cascade important emails to all members such that they are kept informed on upcoming projects of other clubs.
The club has also been operating a free SMS based information service for the past 2 years. This enabled the posting of important information and details for the members to be made aware of when they are not online. This also was a significant benefit to the members who do not have access to instant online connections such as smart phones.

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