Friday, August 26, 2016

Post 10

Workshop on “Workplace psychology” by Dr.Darshan Perera
Daniel Pink once wrote that one of the motivating factors for any employee is having power and autonomy over four areas of work: what they do, when they do it, how they do it and with whom they do it (employee’s task, time, technique and team).
What’s it about?
Our Rotaract Club took the initiative of organizing a workshop under the professional development avenue for our club members, to give them the proper understanding of workplace psychology, personality traits of an employee and how they should behave in certain situations in order to achieve the best. Rtr. Samuditha Ganepola took the initiative in chairing the project together with the support of all the club members.
The workshop was held on the 20th of August at the faculty Conference Hall. It was conducted by Dr.Darshan Perera who is the Founder and the Director of Academic Affairs of Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology (CIRP). In addition to our club members few students from CIRP also participated in this workshop.
Are you an Extrovert or an Introvert?
First and foremost, Dr.Darshan gave a brief introduction about CIRP and about the diplomas and degrees that they are offering in the stream of psychology. The audience were informed regarding the avenues that they can focus on in the line of psychology which in turn will be an added advantage for us as management undergraduates.
Then Dr.Darshan initiated the discussion by explaining what is personality and what makes up a person’s personality. He went on to explaining that the theory of Extrovert and Introvert plays a major role in identifying ones personality type. Accordingly, if you are an extrovert, you will always “crave for brain stimulation” hence will enjoy having a lot of distractions going on. On the other hand if you are an introvert, you anyways have an “over aroused brain” hence those people are very capable of handling more serious monotonous activities.
Dr.Darshan then explained the importance of hiring the right type of employee for the right job. And he also made it very clear that job satisfaction mainly depend on to what category an employee belongs    to ; extrovert or introvert since that will decide whether you enjoy the job or otherwise.
We got a very clear idea as to what extrovert and introvert actually meant and hence I am sure all of us tried categorizing ourselves into either extrovert or introvert. Dr.Darshan, answering to a question raised by the audience, stated that there can be a mix of these two types which is called Ambivert.
Low self-esteem and high self-esteem
Further, the discussion went onto explaining the connection between self-esteem and dominance/submissive behavior. Dr.Darshan added a little kick to this discussion by connecting marriage life and relationship handling to this topic. And he brought up real life incidents that he has experienced throughout his counselling sessions to make it more realistic and interesting.

Be safe during probation!!!
Final topic for the day was about Do’s and Don’ts during the probation time period of an employee. This was very relevant for the audience since all undergraduates are expected to enter the job market within the next two years.
The audience was made aware of the importance of building healthy connections with the superiors at the work place. Further Dr.Darshan demonstrated that there is an inner circle in an organization which is made around the superiors which every employee should struggle to get included into. In fact it was noted that the secret of being successful during the first phase of the job is to be recognized by the superiors and to maintain a positive image.
Work hard while you are young…
Dr.Darshan described that any person’s achievement depends on three important factors and hence it can be reflected in an equation.
                Achievement = Aptitude x Opportunity x Effort
Further he brought to light that aptitude and opportunity are the two variables in the equation that cannot be controlled by an individual but effort is solely dependent upon an individual’s courage and motivation to work. He also pointed out that the young age is the age where anyone can commit fully to achieve the maximum.
With that topic Dr.Darshan concluded the session requesting the audience to engage in further reading on the topics discussed. It was certain that all the club members who attended the workshop got a sound knowledge about workplace ethics, how to build an exuberant and a charming personality, ways that an individual can handle various situations at the workplace and also how to be determined throughout our careers to achieve positive results. Further the audience was able to get an idea on how to differentiate among different personality types and how important it is to consider each and every individual’s traits when hiring an employee.
At the end of the workshop, it was evident that it was not only resourceful and interactive but also memorable.

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