Friday, August 26, 2016

Post 10

Workshop on “Workplace psychology” by Dr.Darshan Perera
Daniel Pink once wrote that one of the motivating factors for any employee is having power and autonomy over four areas of work: what they do, when they do it, how they do it and with whom they do it (employee’s task, time, technique and team).
What’s it about?
Our Rotaract Club took the initiative of organizing a workshop under the professional development avenue for our club members, to give them the proper understanding of workplace psychology, personality traits of an employee and how they should behave in certain situations in order to achieve the best. Rtr. Samuditha Ganepola took the initiative in chairing the project together with the support of all the club members.
The workshop was held on the 20th of August at the faculty Conference Hall. It was conducted by Dr.Darshan Perera who is the Founder and the Director of Academic Affairs of Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology (CIRP). In addition to our club members few students from CIRP also participated in this workshop.
Are you an Extrovert or an Introvert?
First and foremost, Dr.Darshan gave a brief introduction about CIRP and about the diplomas and degrees that they are offering in the stream of psychology. The audience were informed regarding the avenues that they can focus on in the line of psychology which in turn will be an added advantage for us as management undergraduates.
Then Dr.Darshan initiated the discussion by explaining what is personality and what makes up a person’s personality. He went on to explaining that the theory of Extrovert and Introvert plays a major role in identifying ones personality type. Accordingly, if you are an extrovert, you will always “crave for brain stimulation” hence will enjoy having a lot of distractions going on. On the other hand if you are an introvert, you anyways have an “over aroused brain” hence those people are very capable of handling more serious monotonous activities.
Dr.Darshan then explained the importance of hiring the right type of employee for the right job. And he also made it very clear that job satisfaction mainly depend on to what category an employee belongs    to ; extrovert or introvert since that will decide whether you enjoy the job or otherwise.
We got a very clear idea as to what extrovert and introvert actually meant and hence I am sure all of us tried categorizing ourselves into either extrovert or introvert. Dr.Darshan, answering to a question raised by the audience, stated that there can be a mix of these two types which is called Ambivert.
Low self-esteem and high self-esteem
Further, the discussion went onto explaining the connection between self-esteem and dominance/submissive behavior. Dr.Darshan added a little kick to this discussion by connecting marriage life and relationship handling to this topic. And he brought up real life incidents that he has experienced throughout his counselling sessions to make it more realistic and interesting.

Be safe during probation!!!
Final topic for the day was about Do’s and Don’ts during the probation time period of an employee. This was very relevant for the audience since all undergraduates are expected to enter the job market within the next two years.
The audience was made aware of the importance of building healthy connections with the superiors at the work place. Further Dr.Darshan demonstrated that there is an inner circle in an organization which is made around the superiors which every employee should struggle to get included into. In fact it was noted that the secret of being successful during the first phase of the job is to be recognized by the superiors and to maintain a positive image.
Work hard while you are young…
Dr.Darshan described that any person’s achievement depends on three important factors and hence it can be reflected in an equation.
                Achievement = Aptitude x Opportunity x Effort
Further he brought to light that aptitude and opportunity are the two variables in the equation that cannot be controlled by an individual but effort is solely dependent upon an individual’s courage and motivation to work. He also pointed out that the young age is the age where anyone can commit fully to achieve the maximum.
With that topic Dr.Darshan concluded the session requesting the audience to engage in further reading on the topics discussed. It was certain that all the club members who attended the workshop got a sound knowledge about workplace ethics, how to build an exuberant and a charming personality, ways that an individual can handle various situations at the workplace and also how to be determined throughout our careers to achieve positive results. Further the audience was able to get an idea on how to differentiate among different personality types and how important it is to consider each and every individual’s traits when hiring an employee.
At the end of the workshop, it was evident that it was not only resourceful and interactive but also memorable.

Post 9

The 5th Installation Ceremony

Every second brings
            a fresh beginning
Every hour holds
            a new promise
Every night our dreams
            can bring hope
Every day is what you
            choose to make it

“Team Work Makes The Dream Work”
The 5th Installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo was successfully held on the 14th of August 2015 at the Royal College Union Skills Centre. The incoming President Rtr. Praveen Randev Fernando and his board were officially handed over the responsibilities of the club for the year 2015/2016.
Making the theme of the club a reality, “Team Work” indeed helped in successfully completing the 1st Club Service project for the year. The hard work and the dedication of the Club Service Director, Rtr. Maringa Lankaprasada should be highly appreciated in this regard.
Each and every member of the club and the project committee contributed in their fullest potential to make this event a success. Since the first general meeting for the new year on the 16th of July 2015, preparations were made to organize the Installation Ceremony. In all the subsequent meetings, the members were updated on the progress and necessary actions were taken by the project Chairperson, Rtr. Mirangi Lankaprasada.
Apart from the contribution of the project committee, we also highly appreciate the commitment of the members who were in charge of the decorations, Rtr. Ruvini Nawangi and her team, for making the event glamorous and also our very talented comperes for the event, Rtr. Ranithri  Samarawickrama , Rtr. Dishan Leo and Rtr. Ruvini Perera.
The 5th Installation Ceremony commenced at 6.30p.m., on the arrival of the Chief Guest and the Dignitaries. The invitees were warmly welcomed by the project chairperson, Rtr. Mirangi Lankaprasada.
The outgoing Secretary of the club Rtr. Anjali Alahakoon, spoke about the successfully ended year 2014/2015, in presenting her report. She was happy to mention that the club was able to undertake different projects which served different communities of the country. Projects like “Happy Street Pooch” and “Future for Us “could make an impact to the society. She further mentioned that the club was able to win several awards and citations at the District Assembly and a few of the club members were awarded as Active Rotaractors.

The Outgoing President of the club Rtr. Romanthi Anandappa addressed the gathering and shared her experiences on completing her term. She spoke about three projects which were highlighted:
·         “Future for Us”
·         “Make a Wish”
·         “Happy Street Pooch”
The outgoing president also spoke about “I Genius” which is also one of the signature projects of the club.
As RC of FMF we are grateful to our Outgoing President for bringing up the club to this level and we highly appreciate her dedication, commitment and hard work for the club.
The Incoming President Rtr. Praveen Randev Fernando was happy to speak about the position of the club, even having completed only one month of the New Year. He spoke about the club being able to launch the first blog for the year and also the articles of club members being recognized in the global level. The President also emphasized on the importance of focusing on projects inside and outside the university and embarking on a journey ensuring active participation. He introduced his “dynamic” board for the year 2015/2016, giving an introduction about each board member.
The Board of Directors for the Year 2015/2016”
·          Immediate Past Presidet - Rtr. Romanthi Anandappa
·          President - Rtr. Praveen Randev Fernando
·          Vice President - Rtr. Ruvindi De Silva
·          Vice President – Rtr. Shalini Wijewardana
·         Secretary – Rtr. Nilukshi Jayawardana
·         Assistant Secretary – Rtr. Indunil Ittapana
·         Treasurer – Rtr. Supun Walpola
·         Sergeant-at-arms – Rtr. Ushan Gunathilaka
·         Editor- Rtr. Ruzni Faik
·         Sub-editor – Rtr. Bhashini Gamage
·         Joint Community Service Directors – Rtr. Hiruni Perera
                                                                  Rtr. Aqeela Najeeb
·         Club Service Director _ Rtr. Mirangi Lankaprasada
·         Assistant Club Service Director – Rtr. Jude Fonseka
·         Director- International Understanding – Rtr. Madhumali Kodikara
·         Assistant Director- International Understanding – Rtr. Umanga Kariyawasam
·         Joint Finance Directors – Rtr. Thilini Leeniyagolla
                                             Rtr. Nawangi Pohiliyadda

·         Director  - Professional Development – Rtr. Dinath Federico
·         Assistant Director – Pofessional Development – Rtr. Bimla Kannangara
·         Joint Green Life Directors – Rtr. Chathura Kularathna
                                                 Rtr. Kasun Mullegamgoda

·         IT and PR Directors – Rtr. Radun De Silva
                                       Rtr. Kalana Madusanka
The Guest of Honor of the event Rtn. PPH. Saif Ramzi thanked the outgoing president, Rtr. Romanthi Anandappa for undertaking successful projects. He also emphasized on the importance of identifying the true potential of everyone. He further mentioned that life is a journey with ups and downs and it is very important to identify your challenges in life. As Rotaractors he asked everyone to have a different perspective about life and explore the world, society around you and reach the ones in need. He asked to make Rotaract a gift to your parents and to the world.
For the first time in the history, RC of FMF could invite the Dean of the Faculty Dr. R. Senathiraja, as the Chief Guest of the Installation Ceremony.  She was happy to see the talents and the potential of the undergraduates in the faculty, and spoke how the members could further improve their leadership skills, personality and work for the betterment of the society, while being a part of Rotaract.
The DRR Rtr. Sathiyendra…… spoke about FMF as a place which has produced successful citizens in the country. He thanked the outgoing president for the contribution she has made for the club and also for making Sri Lanka proud by becoming the first Miss. Rotasia from Sri Lanka. The DRR highly appreciated her talents in winning the title and it was a proud moment for all the members of FMF.
He also spoke about the high potential of the incoming president Rtr. Praveen Fernando in taking the club to greater heights, having won the best Rylarian in the last year. He also spoke about “Rotaract” and how you could use it to change your lives.
The DRCC, Rtn. Saifu Adamaly reminded all Rotaractors that their main role is to complete their  education. Rotaractors are young and upcoming leaders, and the future of the country rests in their hands. He also said that “Everyone has a leader in you” and Rotaract will help you in achieving your targets. He also mentioned that he wishes to see a Miss. / Mr. Rotasia from FMF this year too.
The Youth Committee Chair Rtn. Farzana Khan emphasized on the importance of focusing on the area of Professional Development by Rotaractors. Being a Rotaractor gives you an added advantage in your professions due to the experience you get. She also spoke how gender balance is a challenge in today’s workplace and the importance of focusing on that.
The club distributed certificates and tokens of appreciation to: 
·         Rtr. Anjali Alahakoon (Outgoing Secretary)
·         Rtr. Minosh Dewapura (Outgoing Vice President)
·         Rtr. Reshani Dissanayake (Outgoing Director – International Understanding)
·         Dr. Arosha Adikaram (Faculty Advisor)
·         Rtr. Romanthi Anandappa (Outgoing President)
·         Rtr. Nipun Alwis (Past Member)
·         Rtr. Shehan Xavier (Past member)
·         Mr. Hashan Gunasekara
The Incoming President Rtr. Nilukshi Jayawardana made it an opportunity to thank everyone who helped in making the event a success. She specifically thanked the Chief Guests and the other dignitaries and also the Faculty Advisor Dr. Arosha Adikaram for being with us and supporting in everything we do as a club. The Club will not be able to come to this position if not for her guidance and support. She also thanked all the past presidents and members of the club, the Sponsors for the event and also all the invitees who were present in the occasion. She was thankful to the fellow Rotaractors who attended the event representing the other Rotaract clubs.

Post 8

Installation ceremony of Rotaract Club of Ibbagamuwa
The 3rd installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Ibbagamuwa was held in style at the Karakaara reception hall, Kurunegala on the 8th of August 2015.
This installation attracted a record number of over 60 invited members from other clubs from Colombo itself. Rtr. Lakmal De Mel, the outgoing president had several quality projects raising the bar in the community of their very own region. Rtr. Nemini Wanigasekara the incoming President emphasized that “The club has grown from strength to strength”. This was well evident with the installation been graced by over 15 Rotarians, 80 Rotaractors, 15 interactors and the spotlight being attracting Rotaractors from France.
The Newly appointed Board of Directors of the Club:
·         Immediate Past President – Rtr. Lakmal De Mel
·         President – Rtr. Nemini Wanigasekara
·         Vice President and Finance Director – Rtr. Ruchira Tennakoon
·         Secretary – Rtr. Neeradhi Wanigasekara
·         Treasurer – Rtr. PP. Lakmal De Mel
·         Club Service and Public Relations Director – Rtr. Sathira Wanigasekara
·         Community Service Director – Rtr. Vidumini Wanigasekara
·         Professional Development Director – Rtr. Bathira Wanigasekara
·         International Understanding Director and Editor – Rtr. PP. Jude Hatan Arachchi
·         Sergeant at Arms – Rtr. Devmin Deshan

As we all know the Wanigasekara family leads the Kurunegala region from Interact to Rotaract to Rotary. Best of luck for a wonderful Rotary filled life ahead of all of you.
The evening ended with a fun filled after party which engaged everyone to enjoy together as one Rotaract family.
We are thankful to the Rotaract District for making all arrangements from food to travelling for all participants from Colombo. The entertainment sessions from singing to storytelling to the continuous bugging sessions are unforgettable to all of us. 
The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management & Finance wishes all the best to the Incoming President of the Rotaract Club of Ibbagamuwa and her board for a successful year ahead.

Post 7

20th Installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent
The 20th Installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent was held on the 23rd of August at the Russian Cultural Centre. On behalf of our club Rtr. Nilukshi Jayawardena and Rtr. Ruzni Faik attended the event. This installation ceremony of the club is considered significant as this portrays the revival of the club.
The ceremony began with the welcome address presented by the Project Chairperson and the Club Service Director, Rtr. Tahanie Yu. Following this the Outgoing President Rtr. Chathura Wickramatileka spoke about the past year of the club and how they went through the revival process of bringing the club back to its feet. He highlighted the fact that they did not want to have an installation ceremony last year but instead to focus their efforts on a few community service projects. The signature project was “Project with a difference”. This is a concert organized for the differently abled children, where both the audience as well as the performers were these gifted kids.
Rtr. Chathura reminded that Rotaract is a voluntary organization and thus should be driven by volunteerism. Next the Outgoing President Rtr. Chathura Wickramatileka collared the Incoming President Rtr. Dinusha De S. Wijeyeratne. Rtr. Chathura mentioned that Rtr. Dinusha has been the key player in reviving the club. Rtr. Dinusha has been instrumental in getting in new members to the club and thereby increasing the strength of the club.
Incoming President Rtr. Dinusha Wijeyeratne rewind to the past and reminded us about the high standards the club had set since its inception in 1995 by charter President of the club Rtr. PHF Kumudu Warnakulasuriya, who now is a well-recognized personality not only in Rotary Sri Lanka but worldwide. Rtr. Dinusha however mentioned that the club has not been able to maintain such standard in the recent past but reassures that they will bounce back strong. She compares their transition process to that of the Sri Lankan Cricket Team, which is trying to transform into a brand new team post the retirement of the legends Sangakkara and Mahela. Thus Rtr Dinusha is happy that she and her board are given the leadership to guide the club towards its evolution and lay a foundation in which the future boards of the club can thrive on. Before she introduced her board for the year she quoted the following statement made by the Rotary International President Rtn. K. R. Ravindran
“You have ONE year to take that potential and turn it into a reality. You have ONE year to lead the clubs of your District and transform the lives of the others. You have ONE year to build monuments that will endure forever, carved not in granite or marble but in the hearts and lives of generations to come”
The Board of Directors 2015/16 of Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent
President- Rtr. Dinusha De S. Wijeyeratne
Secretary- Rtr. Nilushika Wittachy
Community Service Director- Rtr. Savini Iddamalgoda
Club Service Director- Rtr. Tahanie Yu
Professional Development Director- Rtr. Ashni Perera
International Understanding Director- Rtr. Saarah Bawa
“Nothing is impossible! The word itself says I’m Possible!” says the DRR Rtr. PHF Sathyendra Tharmakulerajasingham in opening his address. He stated that Rotaract enables a person to think out of the box, justified by the Outgoing President Rtr. Chathura who has gone through all the challenges in successfully reviving the club. He further spoke about the legacy of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent which has produced 3 DRRs. He then invited everyone to “Celebrate Rotaract” which is the theme this year of the Rotaract District. He called everyone to celebrate Diversity by remembering the famous quote by the Cricket Legend Kumar Sangakkara who incidentally played his last innings during the installation day,
"I am Tamil, I'm Sinhalese, I'm Muslim and Burgher. I'm a Buddhist, I'm a Hindu, a follower of Islam and Christianity. But above all, today and always I will be, proudly, Sri Lankan."
Next up was one of the most creative entertainment item we had seen, the members of the Club came together on stage and beautifully sang the classic Pocahontas
The Guest of Honor Rtn. PHF Kumudu Warnakulasuriya played a multitude of roles during the day. He is not only from the Rotary club sponsoring the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent but is also the Rotary adviser to the club. On top of these he is the charter President of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent, where he got together with a few Interactors in 1995 to form this club. He addressed the gathering by conveying the story of a cockroach which was told by the new CEO of Google Sundar Pitchai. The lesson behind the story is that sometimes everyone is faced with the same situation but the way we react and respond to it differs between each of us. Hence it is important that we face the situation positively and overcome the challenges.
The Chief Guest, President of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Rtn. Rohan Karunaratne highlighted the fact that Rotaract is only a training for Rotary, so it’s important that each Rotaractor goes on to join Rotary. He mentioned that sometimes Rotaract Clubs do better projects than Rotary Clubs. Therefore it does not matter how small you are but what matters is what you do and the impact you create. He urged every Rotarator to encourage their friends and get them into joining Rotaract.
The floor was then open for felicitations and on behalf of our club Secretary Rtr. Nilukshi Jayawardena congratulated and conveyed the best wishes to the incoming President Rtr. Dinusha Wijeyeratne.

The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management & Finance congratulates the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent for a successful installation ceremony and wishes the club all the best for the year 2015/16.

Post 6

 District Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Conference 2015 – Leaders Build Teams, Teams Build Leaders
The District Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Conference for 2015 was organized by the Rotary Club of Bandarawela and was held at the Holiday Resort Bandarawela on the 4th, 5th and 6th of September.
On behalf of our club, Rtr. Hiruni Perera, Rtr. Bimla Kannangara and Rtr. Umanga Kariyawasam participated in the event.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards is a leadership program coordinated by Rotary Clubs around the world, for Rotaractors and other young people aged 18-30 years chosen for their leadership potential.           The format of the event varies from District to District, but commonly takes the form of a seminar, camp, or workshop to discuss leadership skills and to learn those skills through practice.                                    Initially originated from Australia, now RYLA is a global event expanded to all Rotary Districts worldwide.
Under this year’s RYLA theme “Achieving Greater Heights”, the Rotary Club of Bandarawela was able to conduct a very successful leadership program for 80 delegates in line with the mission of RYLA to develop skills focusing on youth.
Heading the journey to Bandarawela, transportation was provided to delegates from Colombo starting from Royal Skills Centre at 8.00 am on the 4th of September.
Upon arrival at the Holiday Resort in Bandarawela, proceedings for RYLA began with the opening ceremony in the presence of dignitaries: the Chief Guest District Governor PHF Rtn. George Jesuthasan, President of Rotary Club of Bandarawela Rtn. PHF Keerthi Bandara, RYLA Chairperson Rtn. Rajiv Renaganathan and the organizing committee.
Addressing the delegates RYLA Chairperson, Rtn. Rajiv Renaganathan, stated that everyone of us wants to be successful, however craving for success would not be sufficient. Therefore RYLA will enable the delegates to have a new look at their lives and take suitable actions to succeed and celebrate.
Rotary International invests on youth, training leaders to take up possibilities when it matters highlighted District Governor Rtn. George Jesuthasan. He shared his insights on the race to have the 1st man on the moon, which was won by Apollo 11 in 1969. Emphasizing the team concept he stated that in order to be the best team you’ll have to count on the weakest member of the team.
The 3 day / 2 night residential program of RYLA thus began.
With the conclusion of the opening ceremony the delegates, under the guidance of Rtr. PP Ravindra Tammita, were given an ice-breaker session involving activities such as getting the entire participants to stand according to the alphabetical order of their name, age within a given short period of time and then giving the delegates a task of writing the first impression of each other on a half sheet pinned to the back of each individual.
After the ice-breaker session all delegates were blind folded and Rtr. Tammita whispered a name of an animal to each and every participant and then everyone was instructed to find their own kind of animal by making the respective sounds. These names of the animals finally became the RYLA teams for the program.
After getting to know each other in the team, each team was given the task to come up with a team name, to appoint a leader, to do a team cheer and to perform an entertainment item lasting for 2-3 minutes. 
Also before the end of the day, the teams were given a task to plan out an act to be performed on the next day, at the camp fire.
The day began early with delegates instructed to be ready by 6.00 am in the morning for exercises. After 1 hour of physical exercises and warming up sessions which also included a few fun games, an inbound session on “Effective Communication” was conducted by Mahesh Vipula Jayasinghe, DTM, PhD (Reading OUM), MBA (Col), B.Sc. (Col), CGMA (U.K) (Executive Coach, Motivational Trainer, Management Consultant).
Mahesh, the Founder Managing Director of Mpower Soft Skills Ltd. has diverse experience spanning over 25 years in the public and private sector across many industries from financial services, manufacturing, plantations, health care and construction into his consultancy practice.
He started the session with emphasis on leaders, who he said are unique and have salient characteristics that make them standout from others. He further stated in order to be a successful leader effective communication is vital, and explained communication methodologies to be highlighted as a capable individual who could influence resourceful parties and climb up the ladder of success.
Then Mr. Mahesh Jayasinghe pointed out the need to change, for the survival in the future. He pointed out examples of global organizations who failed to exist in the present due to their inability to adapt to the changes that took place in the environment.   
This session included 2 activities; one was a compass test which enabled delegates to identify their personality characteristics, strengths and weaknesses and thus how to develop ones’ self to successfully survive change.
Second was a Desert Survival Team Simulation activity, in which Mr. Mahesh Jayasinghe gave a small case study situation where a plane crashes into the Sonora Desert, United States killing both the pilot and co-pilot; however none of the passengers are injured. The pilot was unable to notify the position of the plane before crashing but had indicated that the nearest habitation was 70 miles south west.
The challenge given to the delegates was to rank 15 items, which were salvaged from the plane according to their importance assuming that they were the actual passengers in the situation.
Next another inbound session was conducted by Rtn. PDG PP Dharshan John sharing his story of life to success.  It was a very personal and close discussion which enabled us to grab key factors such as focus, hard work and determination as essentials for success.
Following the 2 inbound sessions, the program shifted to an outbound session which initially began with fun games and warm up sessions. Next it transformed to a survival training session, which involved teams to go through different obstacles and gain points. These obstacles required physical stamina, team cooperation, leadership and other aspects.
With the successful completion of inbound and outbound sessions, the night of Day 02 went into deep with the camp fire.
Traditional camp fire songs were sung and all delegates performed various acts which they were instructed to prepare the day before.  All delegates enjoyed the session filled with music and drama after a hard day with other sessions.
As the day earlier, the delegates were up early morning for exercises, although they stayed up late the night before.
The day witnessed the conclusion of RYLA in the presence of dignitaries such as the DRR Rtr. Sathyendra Tharmakulerajasingham, Youth Services Chair Rtn. Farzana Khan, President of the Rotary Club of Bandarawela Rtn. PHF Keerthi Bandara and the members of the organizing committee.
The Best Rylarian for the year was crowned to be Rtr. Miyuru Dharmage from Rotaract Club of Colombo Mid Town and runners-up Rtr. Sumalka Mendis from Rotaract Club of NSBM.
RYLA 2015 concluded on a very successful note adding color and value to the lives of all the delegates who had the opportunity to participate in it. Rotaract is always about fellowship and making other people’s lives shine. It’s always about service and humbleness which was the common sight witnessed in all delegates throughout the program. Helping each other, working together and being unique from one another, and not hesitating to take initiative; everyone was confident in what they were good at.
The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management & Finance wishes all the very best for the winners and expresses the gratitude for the RYLA Chairperson Rtn. Rajiv Renaganathan and his organizing committee for all the hard work they went through to make this event a success.

Post 5

The District Youth Service Seminar organized by the Rotary Club of Colombo regency in partnership with the Rotary International District 3220 Sri Lanka & Maldives, took place on the 19th of September 2015 at the Sri Lankan Institute of Development and Administration. On behalf of our club Rtr. Praveen Fernando, Rtr. Ruvindi de Silva and Rtr. Hiruni Perera attended the seminar.

The main objective of this seminar was to bridge down the gap between fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors, paving way to working collaboratively in taking the District 3220 to even bigger heights. It also provided Rotaractors and Interactors a platform to voice the current challenges and issued faced by them in the smooth execution of their respective duties and responsibilities.

Following the completion of the registration process, the meeting was called to order by the District Governor Rtn. George Jesuthasan.

After the lighting of the traditional oil lamp and the national anthem, the day’s proceedings began.  The gathering was warmly welcomed by Rtn. Shanaka Perera, the President of the Rotary Club of Colombo Regency. Next up, the gathering was addressed by the District Governor Rtn. George Jesuthasan, who mainly spoke of the purpose of organizing the District Youth Service Seminar.  As stated by the District Governor, the fundamental purpose of organizing the seminar was to broaden the views of the Youth present at the seminar on the wide scope of opportunities that Rotary has to offer them. And also emphasis was placed by him, on the importance of reinforcing the inter-relationship between Rotary, Rotaract and Interact.

Following on, was a very prolific and not to mention, entertaining, session carried out by the first keynote speaker for the evening Mr. Arfath Saleem. Mr. Saleem, an award-winning Toastmaster, was placed amongst the top 10 speakers of the world, after having competed at the World Championships of public speaking in Las Vegas, USA.
Mr. Saleem shared with the gathering his life experiences and how one should always change one’s self before trying to change others. He also shared life stories of famous personalities and what the youth of today could learn from the related stories. The session was brought to a very reluctant end with Mr. Saleem offering the gathering a final piece of advice to, “take it easy”.
Thereafter the gathering was dispersed for fellowship and refreshments.

The latter half of the District Youth Service Seminar began with the introduction of Act Asia by Rtn. PHF Kumudu Warnakulasuriya and District Interact Representative Int. Fabian Shokman. Soon after the launch of the official teaser for Rotasia, by Rtn. Prabhu and District Rotaract Representative PHF Rtr. Sathiyeandra Tharmakulerajasingham, the floor was open up for a session of questions and answers.

Moving forward with the day’s proceedings, Mr. Ishan Jalil, the inspirational speaker for the day was introduced. Mr. Jalil was able to captivate the attention of the crowd within seconds of his speech, leaving everyone present at the audience awestruck with deep appreciation and respect for him. He spoke very passionately about how the youth of today could make an opportunity out of challenges that come their way making us all believe that a disability could absolutely be an ability or an opportunity in disguise. 

Thereafter the whole gathering was divided into four groups for a breakout session, consisting of representatives of Rotary, Rotaract and Interact in each group. This provided a wonderful opportunity for everyone present at the seminar to discuss and address issues faced by them in strengthening the bonds and values of Rotary, Rotaract and Interact in working together as one family. The key areas of discussion mainly revolved around the topic of “what youth expect from Rotary”.

Currently prevailing issues and challenges such as the guidance expected from Rotary, the effectiveness of the guidance received so far, limitations of Rotary, establishing a smooth link from Interact to Rotary, were some of the areas that were discussed during the breakout session. At the end of the discussion each group was given a chance to present the concluded solutions for the issues discussed.

Following the concluding remarks delivered by the District Governor Rtn. George Jesuthasan, the days’ proceedings were brought to an end by the Youth Service Chair Rtn. Farzana Khan, delivering the vote of thanks.
The Youth Service Seminar was one enlightening experience and we, the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance are indeed grateful for the Rotary Club of Colombo Regency and the Rotary International District 3220 for providing us with the opportunity of being a part of this brilliant experience.

Post 4

Insight – International Movie Week
Culture can mean many things; it can be your food, your clothes, your religion etc. However one of the most cherished aspects of culture that inspires us: the world of art.
A famous quote by former American President John F. Kennedy says, “If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.” 
A movie, a work of art, is a type of visual communication using motion pictures and sounds to tell stories or provide information to help people learn. It is a common form of entertainment enjoyed by all people around the world. Movies can also be seen as an integral part of culture that conveys prevailing concerns, thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. It is also true to say that movies can influence society and shape up ideologies.  
Understanding of different cultures is an objective to be achieved under the avenue of International Understanding. Thereby our club initiated the project “Insight- International Movie Week” and screened  different internationally acclaimed movies of different countries to help understand the diversity in culture of various countries through variations in theatre.   
The concept of an “International Movie Week” was recognized by the club to enable university undergraduates to appreciate theatre works of other countries.
A project committee headed by Rtr. Shenadi Basnayake decided to screen 5 different movies of different countries for the students of the university to come and enjoy after lectures. 
These movies were screened daily from 4.30 – 6.30 pm at the university premises during the week 14th to 18th September 2015. It was attended by our club members, fellow faculty members and friends.
Following were the movies that was screened at the university.
The Fault in Our Stars (English) – 2014
Director: Josh Boone
Synopsis: Hazel Grace Lancaster (Shailene Woodley), a 16-year-old cancer patient, meets and falls in love with Gus Waters (Ansel Elgort), a similarly afflicted teen from her cancer support group. Hazel feels that Gus really understands her. They both share the same acerbic wit and a love of books, especially Grace's touchstone, "An Imperial Affliction" by Peter Van Houten. When Gus scores an invitation to meet the reclusive author, he and Hazel embark on the adventure of their brief lives.
A sensitive movie which addressed the ‘can do’ attitude reflected in the American culture. It was very emotional and made everyone get lumps in their throats at the end of the screening. Although it talked about cancer, family, loneliness and emotions, it was enjoyed by everyone for the way the story was narrated. Also it gave a thought to ponder and a message to always keep on believing and achieve your dreams.
One Missed Call (Japanese) – 2004
Director: Takashi Miike
Synopsis: Yumi (Kou Shibasaki) tries to assuage the fears of a friend, Yoko (Anna Nagata), who has received a disturbing voice mail from herself. In the message, Yoko screams while chatting with Yumi. Three days later, the exact call plays out, and Yoko dies. As the bodies of Yumi's friends start piling up after they receive voice mails and videos of themselves, she discovers that a vengeful spirit is the source of the disturbing messages and murders - and all the messages are strangely connected to her.
The horror movie of the week turned out to be house-full! Although it was meant to be horror, watching with you own club members and other friends in the faculty turned out to be very enjoying. Everyone was glued to the movie till the very end. The mystery of the movie remained until the very end and it was scary indeed!
Windstruck (Korean) – 2004
Director: Kwak Jae-yong
Synopsis: Female Police Officer Kyung-Jin (Gianna Jun) spots a purse snatcher fleeing on foot. She's off-duty, but gives chase anyways. Kyung-Jin arrests a man named Myung-Woo (Jang Hyuk), who she mistakes for the purse snatcher. The two are then paired together to patrol an area popular with underage students. Love soon blooms for the couple.
The Korean movie also became a crowd favorite. Most of the audience was Korean fans plus with the sense of humor in the film, it was an enjoyable evening. 
The Intouchables (French) – 2011
Directors: Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano
Synopsis: An unlikely friendship develops between a wealthy quadriplegic (François Cluzet) and his caretaker (Omar Sy), just released from prison.
Queen (Hindi) – 2013
Director: Vikas Bahl
Synopsis: A young Delhi woman from a traditional family goes on a solo honeymoon when her wedding is canceled.

Although a movie depicts a thought or a point of view of a director, these thoughts are influenced by the culture that surrounds a person. 
At the end of the week, everyone could understand the openness of the American culture and the somewhat conservative nature of the Indian culture. The sense of humor in the Korean movie and the horror in the Japanese movie were equally enjoyed by all despite the difference in cultures.
It was a memorable experience, not only the entertainment but also the fact that movies were a source of information to learn about other exciting cultures.
The movie week ended on a successful note with the audience having a glimpse of 5 different countries and cultures.